Koh Sueda

末田 航

(すえだ こう), 博士後期課程

Koh Sueda, Ph.D.candidate

Rekimoto Laboratory

Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies

The University of Tokyo.

e-mail: info(at)ching-dong.com

Koh Sueda is a doctoral course student in the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies of the University of Tokyo. He joined Rekimoto laboratory to pursue a new vision for human computer interaction (HCI) in 2008. The keywords of his reserch are augmented realty, augmented memory and context-awareness. Sueda received his B.A in architecture from Musashino Art University in 2000 and M.Sc. in global information and telecommunication from Waseda University in 2003.
Sueda works in multiple areas of computer human interfacing (CHI) : Media art/design, ubiquitous computing and architecture. He has presented his own works at a variety of academic, industrial design, and media art venues including ACM SIGGRAPH and ArsElectronica. His graduate work “Communication Grill Chang-tei” received prizes in many competitions such as the Japan Media Art festival, Asia Digital Art Awards, and the eighteenth Digital Content Grand Prix 2004 that was supported by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).

(1)Koh SUEDA

Chang-tei system, SIGGRAPH 2007 art gallery, 2007, p. 220

(2)Motoyoshi Hirata, Keiji Mitsubuchi, Koh Sueda

“Survey of national/culture specific tendencies of avatars in the diversifying metaverse”,

ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 posters, 2008

(3)Koh Sueda, Koji Ishii, Takashi Miyaki, Jun Rekimoto

Communication Grill/Salon: Hybrid Physical/Digital Artifacts for Stimulating Spontaneous Real World Communication, HCI International 2009, LNCS 5612, p. 526 ff.



コミュニケーショングリル・ちゃんぐ亭、アジアデジタルアート大賞2002, インタラクティブアート部門入賞, 2002



コミュニケーショングリル・ちゃんぐ亭,NHK-BSデジタルスタジアム ベストセレクション入賞,2003

(3)Koh SUEDA, Koji Ishii

Communication Grill Chang-tei, CODE ArsElectronica2003 招聘展示

CODE Ars Electronica 2003, 2003 p.204.


コミュニケーショングリル・ちゃんぐ亭 特別賞 文化庁メディア芸術祭学生CGコンテスト 2003



新しい才能の部 銀の翼賞 経産省など共催:第18回デジタルコンテンツグランプリ 2004



次世代ネットワーク家電、KDDI EZアワード4 佐藤佐吉賞 2007
